(CAS) Kino Internacional y Borja Pineiro son los encargados de facturar las atmósferas sonoras de Reykjavik606. Plataforma musical donde hardware, software, grabaciones de campo cercano o sampleos se mezclan entre sí para crear ambientes melancólicos, narcóticos y cinematográficos.
Beats orgánicos que cambian de forma continuamente y te llevan a un estado mental y emocional único. La unión de los dos integrantes del grupo hace de este proyecto un continuo viaje a través de sus propios sentimientos y sensaciones, que, traducidas en sonidos, logra captar la esencia y llenar el espacio.
Atmósferas ricas en matices. Ritmos naturales, limpios, con secuencias ordenadas o todo lo contrario, rotos, desencajados, vivos. Voces imposibles. Mucho sentimiento. Sentimiento hecho música. Improvisaciones increíbles.
(EUS) Kino Internacional eta Borja Piñeiro dira Reykjavik606ren soinu-atmosferaren sortzaileak. Musika-plataforma honetan hardwareak, softwareak, eremu gertuko grabaketak edo sanpleoak nahasten dira giro malenkoniatsu, narkotiko eta zinematografikoak sortzeko.
Etengabe forma aldatzen duten beats organikoek adimen- eta sentipen-egoera berdingabe batera eramaten zaituzte. Taldeko bi partaideen bat-egiteak egitasmoa bera bidaia etengabea bilakatzen dute, beren sentimendu eta sentipenetan barrena egindako bidaia, eta horiek soinu bihurturik, lortzen dute funtsezkoenera iristea eta espazioa betetzea.
Atmosferak ñabardura ugarikoak. Erritmo naturalak, garbiak, hurrenkeradun sekuentziak eta baita kontrako guztia ere, erritmo hautsiak, deseginak, biziak. Ahots ezinezkoak. Sentimendua nonahi. Musika bilakatutako sentimendua. Inprobisazio sinestezinak.
(ENG) Challenging the fine line between music-making and story-telling, the Spanish duo of Reykjavik 606 have quite a few tales to tell. Grasping the audience with an unrestricted blend of sounds, shifting through ambient, downtempo and cinematic house, their ways with music push the boundaries of what is and what can be. Its masterminds, Kino Internacional and Borja Piñeiro, have a taste for the eclectic, get their kicks from tool-kit experiments and continue to enamor many a music-loving soul with a genre-bending mix of audio and visual.
With unique live shows at Mutek Festival, Nokodek and Sonora, along with the critically acclaimed release of their «From..To…» LP on Sofa Tunes, future invites Reykjavik 606 to share their story. Childhood friends with a life-long obsession for music and the technology behind it all. Underlining both their talents, Borja studied percussion, while Kino mastered the piano and became one of the lucky few selected for the Red Bull Music Academy Bass Camp in 2013. Combining expertise and vision, they found the perfect balance in Reyjavik 606. United in differences, they equally share the musical process of creating tracks, remixes and sets.
With releases on Sofa Tunes and Soulles Lab, remixes for Talkome, Ioan Gamboa, BeatLove and Wesphere, as well as their «From..To…» LP being nominated for Album of the Year in highly regarded dance magazines like DJ Mag and Clubbing Spain, they’ve started to claim ground and make their narcotic rhythms and organic beats thrive. Crafting an ethereal and atmospheric vibe, the musical chronicles of Reykjavik 606 are constantly morphing, telling the crowds of an emotional state of consciousness. In full control of their digital and analog hardware equipment, witnessing one of their sets is a monumental experience – one that will stick with you for a long time. Their story is one to be continued, so we’re about to find out what the future beholds.
Discografía / Diskografia / Discography
2019 – «Kontakt» EP / Sevendipia Records
2017 – «Everything Happens For A Reason» EP / Forbidden Colours
2016 – «Stop Looking For The Happiness In The Same Place You Lost It» EP / Music Terrae
2014 – «The Eleven» EP / Sofa Tunes
2014 – «From… To…» LP / Sofa Tunes